Upcoming Exhibitions
Current Exhibitions

2. Glaspreis der Stadt Hadamar Exhibition
As part of the 700th anniversary celebration of the city of Hadamar in 2024, the city, in collaboration with the “Trägerverein des Glasmuseums Schloss Hadamar e.V.,” is announcing the second Glass Prize of the City of Hadamar.
The intention behind this award for artistically designed glass is to document the development of glass art on both a national and international level and to establish a benchmark for its progress.
The goal of the event is to formalize a competition that will take place every ten years in Hadamar, accompanied by an exhibition presentation at the Glass Museum Schloss Hadamar.

Sculpture Exhibition – Rooftop XI, “Take A Stand”
Rooftop XI – “Take A Stand” Sculpture Exhibition
17 August – 31 December 2024
- Detritus - Crystal Head
- Detritus - Dreamer
- Detritus - Bird Man
5 Benmore Rd.
Benmore, Sandton
Opening: Sat. 17 Aug. 12:00
Closing: 31 December 2024

At the Tip of the Wheel, The Glass Factory, Sweden
- Cutting wheel archive, Kosta
- Swedish Cutting Lathe
- Cutting wheel archive, Kosta
Stortgatan 5
361 97 Boda Glasbruk
Opening: 23 June, 14:00
Finissage: 20 Ocotober
Simon Gate’s famous Bacchus Bowl or Kosta’s famous crystal Tsar’s Bowl could not be made today. There are very few knowledge carriers and some of the equipment is only preserved in archives. At the tip of the wheel aims to uplift these at-risk techniques, through a blended historical and contemporary exhibition, and complemented with workshops and demos.
Taking over Open, our cavernous exhibition space in the old blowing hall, works from 17 contemporary glass cutters and engravers will sit side-by-side with historic works from our collection. A wide range of engraving techniques will be displayed, from extreme deep cutting to delicate copper wheel engraving.
At the center of the exhibition we will establish a working cutting shop with historical machines and traditional cutting disks. Visitors will be able to see both historical and contemporary examples of cut and engraved glass, while getting a deeper understanding of the techniques and knowledge behind each line.
Past Exhibitions
Glass Art Society – Members Exhibition, Berlin 2024
15-18 May 2024
Connections 2024
Glass from Every Angle
Highlighting the work and achievements of a selection of Glass Art Society members from around the world, this exhibition showcases artists pushing the technical and conceptual limits of the medium.
2024 JURORS:
Carolyn Herrera-Perez, curator, USA
Katherine Huskie, artist, UK
Richard Meitner, artist, The Netherlands
Please follow this link for the Exhibition Catalogue: Glass From Every Angle
The GAS Member Exhibition is generously supported by The Glass Furnace, Istanbul.
- TINATV Africa Eats Field by Komatie
- Glass Art Society
- TINATV Africa Getting Fucked by ESKOM
Location: Wilhelm Hallen, Kopenhagener Str. 60-72, Berlin
My most recent series of sculptures titled ‘This is not a TV’, revisits themes of mass media, juxtaposing analogue against digital phenomena. I am literally questioning personal observations on how we experiencing the world around us through these sculptures, especially as I believe we live in an age of surveillance.
“This is not a TV”’s title references René Magritte’s painting “The Treachery of Images” also known as “This is not a pipe”. I love the surreal nature where words and iconography clash, questioning the relationship between the image and reality. I find this particularly important in our current age, where days are filled with endless reams of fleeting images…
Under the Skin, Berlin
10-24 May 2024
Under the Skin
From Techne to Ars Curated by Claudia Virginia Vitari
KA 32 Art Space- Pappelalle 32 – 10437 Berlin- 10/05– 24/05, 2024
- Spot the Lines
- Spot the Lines
- Spot the Lines
KA 32 Art Space- Pappelalle 32 – 10437 Berlin
Opening: 10 May, 18-22:00
DJ and Live Set by Edoardo Folli: 17 May, 18-22:00
Finissage: 24 May, 18-22:00
10-11/05 3-6 PM
15-16/05 5:30-8:30 PM 20-21/05 5:30-8:30 PM
or by appointment info@ka32.gallery Instagram @k_a_3_2 ka32.gallery
On the occasion of the Berlin edition of the international Glass Art Society conference, the group exhibition, “Under the skin” is taking place in the spaces of KA 32 Gallery.
The show is a dialogue between international glass artists and artists residing in Berlin that come from other disciplines, who have been invited to experiment with glass, specifically for this event.
The common thread is research, the need to look beneath the surface shaping narrative devices able to provide critical point of views. The exchange of technical experiences stimulates a conversation among the artists with the goal of creating new perspectives through art and new points of view (other than those established) to examine the world we live in.
Participating Artists: Lothar Böttcher, Samanta Malavasi, Mollified Collective (Cosima Montavoci + Lorenzo Passi), Silvia Levenson, Dario Puggioni, Jessica Rimondi, Patrick Roth, Ioana Stelea, Claudia Virginia Vitari, Samuel Weisenborn
Cold Perspectives, Berlin
14-18 May 2024
Cold Perspectives
Curated by Ioana Stelea and Henriikka Pöllänen
Fantom Gallery -Hektorstraße no. 9, 10711 Berlin, Germany
Opening Times:
14/05 6:00 – 9:00 PM
15-18/05 5:30-9:30 PM
On the occasion of the Berlin edition of the international Glass Art Society conference, the group exhibition, “Cold Perspectives” is taking place in the space of Fantom Gallery in Berlin, Germany.
The exhibition is a dialogue between glass artists members of the international coldworking group „The Lathe Riders” and their guests. Artists from Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, Sweden, Ireland, South Africa, Austria, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Finland, Czech Republic and Poland are headlining methods of using glass in different ways in order to generate unique sculptures, installations or narrative pieces reunited in Fantom Gallery specifically for this event.
The main focus of the exhibition is the dialogue between hot and cold working techniques, blending in different approaches and visions that are bonding under the magical and amorph material, glass.
Participating Artists: Noa Agasi / Panteleymon Arnaudov / Lothar Böttcher / Selma Hamstra/ Vicky Higginson/ Julian Michel / Jenny Mulligan / Dan Popovici / Pawel BDL Palewicz / Henriikka Pöllänen / Patrick Roth / Petr Slavik / Ioana Stelea / Claudia Virginia Vitari / Samuel Weisenborn/
Under the Skin, Berlin
10-24 May 2024
Under the Skin
From Techne to Ars Curated by Claudia Virginia Vitari
KA 32 Art Space- Pappelalle 32 – 10437 Berlin- 10/05– 24/05, 2024
KA 32 Art Space- Pappelalle 32 – 10437 Berlin
Opening: 10 May, 18-22:00
DJ and Live Set by Edoardo Folli: 17 May, 18-22:00
Finissage: 24 May, 18-22:00
10-11/05 3-6 PM
15-16/05 5:30-8:30 PM 20-21/05 5:30-8:30 PM
or by appointment info@ka32.gallery Instagram @k_a_3_2 ka32.gallery
On the occasion of the Berlin edition of the international Glass Art Society conference, the group exhibition, “Under the skin” is taking place in the spaces of KA 32 Gallery.
The show is a dialogue between international glass artists and artists residing in Berlin that come from other disciplines, who have been invited to experiment with glass, specifically for this event.
The common thread is research, the need to look beneath the surface shaping narrative devices able to provide critical point of views. The exchange of technical experiences stimulates a conversation among the artists with the goal of creating new perspectives through art and new points of view (other than those established) to examine the world we live in.
Participating Artists: Lothar Böttcher, Samanta Malavasi, Mollified Collective (Cosima Montavoci + Lorenzo Passi), Silvia Levenson, Dario Puggioni, Jessica Rimondi, Patrick Roth, Ioana Stelea, Claudia Virginia Vitari, Samuel Weisenborn
Changing Channels
A solo exhibition of Sculpture and photography.
- This is Not A TV - Antenna, Sunset
- TINATV Black Frame Open Arms
- ‘This is not a TV’, Bush Veld
Location: Association of Arts, Pretoria
Dates: 24 June – 15 July 2023
Schürenberg Kunsthandel, Aachen
Seit 1975 besteht die Kunsthandlung Schürenberg. Die Galerie war nach der Gründung in Aachen und anschliessend für fast 18 Jahre in der Düsseldorfer Carlstadt zu Hause. 1998 eröffneten wir wieder in Aachen und seit 2003 finden Sie uns in einer Galerie im Schatten des Aachener Domes in der Annastrasse 17. Wir kümmern uns nun schon in zweiter Generation um die Anliegen unserer Kunden.
Galerie Michael Bella, Vienna
Die Galerie Michael Bella ist eine Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst mit Sitz in Wien, die 2021 als Erweiterung der 2013 gegründeten Bellart Galerie gegründet wurde. Die Galerie vertritt sowohl österreichische als auch mittel- und osteuropäische Künstler sowie internationale Künstler. Der Standort der Galerie im Zentrum Wiens hat sich zu einer anerkannten Kunstplattform für Künstler in der Mitte ihrer Karriere und etablierte Künstler entwickelt.
Das Galerieprogramm umfasst Künstler, die sich mit Medien wie Malerei, Skulptur, Fotografie, Kunstinstallationen, Performance und Videokunst beschäftigen.
Ebony Curated, Franschhoek
Established in 2007, EBONY/CURATED is a leading South African Gallery based in Cape Town and Franschhoek. The gallery has built a solid reputation for unlocking exciting talent from the continent and the greater African Diaspora. It’s well established public programme extends across 3 spaces highlighting both contemporary and notable modern artworks. EBONY/CURATED regularly participates in local and international art fairs and gallery artists are included in recognised public and private collections.